Beagle Channel in the Patagonia

Beagle Channel in the Patagonia

February 20, 2013



This post is for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop (February 20th) in which we share images of all types. I have been posting about Andean textiles, their use of color and natural dyes, and my personal passion for color.

But what about ME? I’m part of Spanish America too, and I’m hoping to learn about editing photos and digital art, so I have to start somewhere!

So here is my small contribution, a practice activity using Paint, that humble accessory that we usually ignore.

I call it Crazy Expressions, and the colors are taken from memory to imitate the ones used by the Andean people. I also did some doodles as practice in the use of the mouse. I need to become more proficient, of course, but at least I started!

I find it is becoming easier for me to actually initiate this kind of activity; I tend to work mentally, but find it difficult to just jump in! I hope this will improve through practice.


Source  My personal files, joanveronica, 2013


(This Blog is bilingual)

Este post es mi contribución a la actividad grupal denominada “Miércoles Sin Palabras” 

En esta actividad las y los integrantes del  grupo envían imágenes en lugar de escribir artículos. Por tal motivo se denomina “Sin Palabras”.

Últimamente he estado posteando sobre los textiles Andinos de América del Sur, sobre el uso de los colores por parte de las y los tejedores, los procedimientos utilizados para teñir la lana usando productos naturales y mi pasión por el color en general.

Bueno, ¡y qué pasa CONMIGO!  Yo también soy una integrante de la América Hispana, y sueño con aprender a editar imágenes y crear arte digital, y por tanto debo comenzar en algún punto.

He aquí mi modesta contribución, una actividad práctica usando Paint, ¡ese humilde accesorio que generalmente ignoramos!

Lo llamo Expresiones Alocadas y en él he tratado de reproducir de memoria los colores usados en los textiles Andinos. También incluí algunos “doodles” artísticos como práctica en el uso del mouse. Necesito mejorar en este aspecto, pero ¡al menos lo inicié!

Cada vez se me hace más fácil iniciar de verdad una actividad de este tipo; tiendo a trabajar mentalmente pero me resulta difícil lanzarme al trabajo real ¡Espero mejorar con la práctica!

More about similar topics in a future post.       Más sobre temas similares en un próximo post

How is your level of comprehension?      ¿Cómo está su nivel de comprensión?

© 2013  joanveronica  (Joan Robertson)

I will be very happy to receive your comments! Just click the word “comments” lower down.


  1. Beautiful Joan and absolutely so creative. I loved it and thanks so much for sharing!! :)

  2. Hi Janine! This was such a fantastic surprise for me, your comment was so supportive! Well I know everybody is very supportive, but I feel that my efforts are so humble!
    So thanks so much, and I will strive to improve! Have a good day!

  3. That looks like you had a lot of fun! Very creative....

    1. Hi there! You are quite right, it was a lot of fun! Thanks for the visit and the comment! See you!

  4. love that color!! as my own WW may show this week...

    1. Hi there, so happy to have you visit my blog! WW is such fun, and I'm meeting some lovely Bloggers too! See you around!

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Cathy, WW is such fun! Thanks for your comment, you make me feel good! At my age, that sort of encouragement is really important. So thanks again and have a good day!

  6. Wonderful colors - I LOVE colors! Fantastic job and thank you so much for all your kind words and comments over at my blog. Tweeted this post and I hope you continue creating more and more!!

    1. Hi Cyndi, so happy to read your comment! You actually tweeted it! That's great for me! A BIG milestone! I will persevere, never fear! There, I'm actually writing in rhyme now! There are no limmits to what one can do! See you soon and have a good day!

  7. What a creative interpretation! Love the colors.

    1. Hey there! Thanks again! This is a very humble attempt, but I'm learning! See you!


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